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  • Advise and consult with the Board with respect to any amendments to the Declaration, further By-Laws and Rules, which in the opinion of the Manager ought to be established and to communicate to all owners the text and import of same; Development of bylaws.

  •  Take such steps as are reasonably within its power to enforce the terms of the Act, Declaration, By-Laws and Rules and any amendments thereto. 

  •  In consultation with the Board, obtain and maintain insurance policies required to be maintained by the Corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Act, Declaration and By-Laws, with such limits as the Board may stipulate

  • Collect and receive in trust for the Corporation all monies payable pursuant to the Declaration or By-Laws by the Owners, and deposit the same into separate trust accounts (for operating and reserve fund) in the name of the Corporation;

  • Make reasonable efforts for collection of delinquent accounts; and control and execute Payroll on behalf of the Corporation as per the pay schedules.

  • Keep accurate accounts of the financial transactions involved in the management of the property and render to the Board budget analyses with respect thereto and keep such accounts open for inspection by the Board or any owner or mortgagee or their agent at all reasonable times, and under proper authorization. Comply with reporting requirements under the new Condominium Act.

  • As required by the Act and the Declaration, at the expense of the Corporation, provide for the proper fulfilment of the Corporation's obligations respecting the operation, maintenance and repair of the property. The Manager shall also assist the Board in all matters related to the Reserve Fund, including arranging for the preparation of Reserve Fund Studies, Reserve Fund Plans and Investment Plans, and preparing prescribed Notices to the Owners and Auditor, all in accordance with the Act.

  • Be available during the regular office hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday;    There will be after hour and weekend, emergency on call service for the Corporation.              

  • Attend board meetings of the Board at times designated.  The Manager will also attend the annual meeting of the unit owners.

  • Prepare and keep current a register of all owners in the Corporation. 

  • Prepare Status Certificates and related documentation required by the Act.  

  • On behalf of the Corporation, and at the expense of the Corporation, engage such contractors, architects, engineers, solicitors, auditors, janitors and other personnel as may be required to allow the Corporation to fulfil its obligations respecting the operation, maintenance and repair of the property; And as agreed to by the Board of Directors.

  • The Manager shall be responsible for the updating and safekeeping of the records by the Corporation and for maintaining all records as required by the Act.  

  • Generally, give the Board direction and advice as to all of the steps which must be taken by the Corporation in order to properly fulfil its objects and duties as set forth in the Act, and the corporation’s Declaration, By-laws and Rules

  • Investigate and report to the Board all accidents or claims for damage related to the management, operation and/or maintenance of the property.  The Manager shall cooperate and make any and all reports required by any contract of insurance in connection with any such accident or claim for damage; 

  • Respond to all queries, requests or complaints by the Board relating to the management of the property.



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Belleville, ON K8P 1B6

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